The California Department of Fish and Wildlife does not allow the relocation of wild animals. H.A.S. does not pick up wild animals unless they are sick or injured and require medical attention. Should you encounter an injured or sick wild animal, Do Not approach or handle the animal. Please contact H.A.S. immediately.

A number of wild animals call Solano County home. As we encroach on their natural habitat, many find their way into our cities and backyards. We can do our part by not creating an inviting place for them.



Please use the links below for information about coexisting with the wildlife in your area.



Mountain Lions




You can help by taking steps to keep animals from foraging for food in your yard.

Skunks, raccoons and opossums are nocturnal animals, meaning they are active at night. They are often attracted to residential areas by the availability of food, water and shelter. Removing or eliminating the availability of these will often encourage these animals to leave.

CAUTIONWhen dealing with chemicals it’s important to keep the safety of pets, both yours and the neighbors, in mind.

Some helpful tips

  • Food and water should never be left intentionally for wild animals.
  • Remove unused pet food and water bowls at night.
  • Keep garbage cans covered with tight fitting lids or store garbage inside a secure area.
  • Do not store trash or trash bags outdoors.
  • Gardens should be harvested frequently and any items on the ground should be picked up.
  • Trim tree branches by keeping them 10 feet from the roof.
  • Remove climbing plants from the roof line and eaves.
  • Seal entry holes in and under buildings, eaves, air ducts and decks. See sealing information below.
  • Wild animals causing lawn and turf damage may be encouraged to leave by controlling grub worms and other subsoil insects.

Sealing Information

  • To prevent animals from entering your home and sheds, seal up any entry holes in and under the buildings, eaves, air ducts and decks.
    Slotted metal vent covers are preferable to screen wire in keeping wild animals from entering houses through foundation vents.
  • Backyard decks are extremely attractive shelters for wild animals. Smaller animals may be excluded by using 1/4″ grid screening or solid metal flashing. Trench around the perimeter of the deck a minimum of 12″ deep, insert screening in the trench and back fill. Attach top screening to deck facade with nails, screws, or fence post staples. This technique may also be used along fence lines to prevent wild animals from entering yards and gardens.
  • Before completing the final seal on the last entry point of a building or deck, it’s wise to make sure no animals are trapped inside. Sprinkle flour around the entrance holes and check for tracks the following morning. If no tracks are evident for three (3) consecutive nights, no animals are likely present.